Friday 12 June 2015


 Networks are an important part of our daily lives no  matter whether physical, social or information networks
What are networks and how they actually work can you learn in the video… comment, share, subscribe! :)

But why networks are so important?
The 21st century is the era of a information society, where it is mainly about minimizing the friction between demand and supply. For organization networks are necessary to sustain success.

Networks provide Organizations with:


How does it fit to the example of the melanoma foundation?
In the video an example Melanoma foundation represents the centre of the network, which is connected to the nodes.

For the melanoma foundation it is important to:

spread information -> e.g.  Target Group, affected people,
access to information -> e.g Academia, industry,
share information  -> e.g. other NGOs, affected people

In the case of our fictive melanoma foundation the network helps to fulfill the  Mission and Vision, that have the purpose to lower the numbers of Melanoma diagnoses.

Read you next week!

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Neutrogena; Facebook

Get your skin ready for the summer with our products for every situation.

1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, but early detection can save lives. Neutrogena invitites you to join the fight against skin cancer.
Learn how to prevent skin cancer on our website.

Share your Skin Cancer experience in the comments below and win a Neutrogena sun protection package of you choice!

1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Learn how to protect yourself and someone you love today. - See more at:
1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Learn how to protect yourself and someone you love today. - See more at:
Why this infuluencer?
Multinational beauty companies have a huge impact on the target group (16-20). They're shaping, promoting and construction certain beauty ideals, which are appealing to the target audience. 

Why this style of writing?
It is informative and triggers a discussion that leads to the user generated content, which is desired of many consumers. User generated content is used by many cosumers to form a opinion about a product or brand. 

Why this particular social media tool?
  • product experience  
  • user generated content
  • discussion chance
  • sharing information about product  

- Influencer #1 - 

Instagram; Famous Snowboarder

What a day, perfect powder!
Thanks to @Neutrogena for protecting my skin, not only at the beach but also in the mountains.

Why this infuluencer?
snowboarding is a popular sport among youngsters and hence this influencer reaches the desired target audience. 

Why this style of writing?
The writing style is kept casual to sounds authentic, which relates to the audience builds relationship.

Why this particular social media tool?
Instagram is in the top three of the most popular social networking sites. Consequently it has the attempt to reach most of the target group. Instagram appears personal through visually driven content but with hidden branded message. All and also this social media sites offer easy evaluation of data and the user itself.

- Influencer # 2 - 

Health/beauty/lifestyle magazine; blog
10 Celebrities that look better tan-free

 Protect your skin with The best SPF Face Products -  must haves for this summer!


Why this infuluencer?
Beauty/health/lifestyle magazine are great influencers and distributor of opinion. They already have an loyal readership, which increases the repost and comments.
Magazines have an influence on the real life. They influence through two established policies: advertising and editorial. It is a fact that we rely on magazines for news and facts and the second huge influencer are celebrities; they are role models, trend setters and they build awarenes and influence the consumer purchase. 
Makes 2 in one influencer: Magazine + celebrity 

Why this particular social media tool?
Blogs outrank social networks for consumer influence.

- Influencer #3 - 


In the final version I put all three post together, before my other two post were not recognized. To make it easier for the reader I put everthing together. 


Want to be inspired?

Hello YOU,

Mr. Nameless my name, Product Design Engineer 35 years old born and raised in Berlin, however,  soon I became a citizen of the world, always trying to catch the global view. As soon as I was old enough I started travelling around the world driven by my curiosity and one of my passions - learning.

The more countries I have been to the more my horizon broadened, which has an interesting effect; it boost creativity. Because every country allows new perspectives on known and unknown things in life. Indeed seeing every country in the world is a great Mission- but it is my mission. With this blog you can be and you are a part of my journey whilst feeling inspired to discover the world outside your comfort zone.

This is more of a travel blog rather than a product design blog, merged with my other big passion - Photography. I want to share my passions with you! And not only my passion also what entertains and inspires me during my journeys which can be nearly everything.

Be passionate! Be curious!  :)

Rethink Sanitation?

Just came back to the "real life" - or not?

Spent relaxed, inspiring and funny days with the guys from arca verde on their lovely piece of earth.
Got back a sense of nature with living the autarkic lifestyle for one week.
Can't wait to get back!

For more information, upcoming events and workshops visit their website or go on facebook.

Rethinking Sanitation; Upcyled compost toilet


"Technology dictates the activity. In turn, the activity dictates the design."
But aren't activities higly determined by culture?  

Cultural borders vanish with greater technological connectivity and globalisation. But what does it mean for design and Does Culture Matter for Product Design?

- Twitter -

Bikes made from bamboo?
Who doesn't want to have bike like these?

You also can visit my friend Klaus, who I met in Porto Alegre (Brasil), on his website or facebook page to see more flabbergasting Bamboo Bike designs!

- Facebook -


trashy, inspiring, sustainable....

Worth to Watch! :)



Music instruments can be wooden...
Why not speakers?

Their uniquely wooden aucustic results in a sublime sense of hearing expierence. This wooden speakers are passive, which means no electronics, no energy use, no cables. Go forth and blast your tune wherever you go!

#kickstarter #crowdfunding?!
Designer: TOK TOK


Buenos Aires - this vibrant city gets under your  skin.

First impressions; joyfully walking around like an excited child that visits the zoo for the first time.

Argentina in 3 words
Maradonna, Tango, che boludo

Want to see and know more from this grasping city? Vistit my blog .....

Hasta Luego!



The backstory has got a new order and better connection with the posts to contribute to the coherence of the whole Assignment. Further the post are adapted in terms of structure considering different audience enganging techniques. Additionally further knowledge about optmal length of an post are heeded. 

Wednesday 3 June 2015


Do you want to evolute your network?
Be part of the network society!

Since the era of the internet demands and needs of the network society evolving. Businesses and organization eager to adapt their marketing strategies to this changes.
My 10 years experience in researching various communication trends of different markets and the organisation of lectures and workshops, allowed me to develop the 7 principles of the network society, which are basis of my strategic network building plans.

The 7  Principles of network society
1. New rhythm
2. Healthy life
3. ME to WE
4. Enjoy locally
5. Open communications
6. Trust as a new currency
7. Access to technology

Enduring and sustainable progress requires optimized communication strategies considering the developing online audience. The 7 principles trying harness the power of web to get your business noticed whether online or offline. My Mission is to support your company on the way how to, not only stay current with the networking society instead be part of it!


After carefully examining the possibilities based on Google Trend findings I have decided to use the following keywords:
network; society; principles; strategy; plan; research; communication; build; progress; business


 Ethos Planetware

Tableware is a product that everybody needs, but when have you thought about buying a new set of dinnerware for the last time?  However needs making the consumer vulnerable for advertising, regarding maslow’s hierarchy of needs, every person has those needs which include system needs, social needs, self needs these can be triggered for purchase intentions.

One of those social needs is social proof because people have an innate drive to copy others’ decisions and behaviour. Due to the fact that the project already has been successfully launched on kickstarter, with the effect of social proof, the existing community could be utilised to build an even bigger network. Social proof is easing the mind of the consumer regarding the scepticism about a product or service. Surprisingly it’s one of the easiest persuasion techniques, it simply stating that 9 out of 10 people would purchase a certain product, validates it for others.  

To promote the product and the different set variations, decoy marketing seems to be a helpful technique. Not only because of different demands, because of different size of the household (e.g. single compared to extended family household) - but further when consumers are choosing between two similar product sets, introducing a decoy can push people towards the outcome of direction.

But how does it actually work psychological? Let’s demonstrate this abstract technique by providing an example.
A: 799 €, 32 GB
B: 999 €, 64 GB
Your options are the above two, this could be a difficult choice. Some will prefer A because of the price; others B because of the storage capacity.
Now we add the decoy- option C.
C: 959 €, 50 GB
Almost as expensive as option B but with less storage. Now option B seems to be a better deal because, you don’t pay much more than for option C but with less storage. Studies have found that the decoy reduces our stress reaction by lowering the feeling of conflicting information, while choosing between two equally preferred options. So, jumping back, to the example of different quantities of households one might think that a single household set doesn’t make sense at all, because even a bachelor has guest from time to time. By Adding two other option with similar features, concerning neuromarketing, the brain is not able to judge absolute values rather it compares the benefits.

As mentioned before nobody really thinks about buying new dinnerware and in this case Planetware is linked to an even bigger value clashing issue-  the environment . Because of it’s unique production procedure Planetware may or may not unintentionally attract a certain audience. This audience is naturally critical about products that claim to be healthy, sustainable, durable.  Resistance is the single most problematic aspect of getting someone to purchase something. There is a advantageous side effect coming with acknowledging resistance, it also increases the likability. Simply acknowledging the reasons for resistance generates and enhances a sense of freedom to choose. Studies have shown that you will gain greater compliance if you acknowledge resistance first. It is a disarming technique and works very well. Telling the target what they do not want, paradoxically, makes them want exactly this. Acknowledging resistance work, by highlighting the target’s autonomy to say “no” and they have the added benefit of making the requester appear respectful of the target’s choice.
Here is how it works: 
Collaboration with foodbloggers is an effective social proof marketing.  It demonstrates social proof from somebody who is into the topic, additionally uses the existing network of the food blog to gather more social proof in form of e.g. likes. 



“We know we won’t change to world but maybe we’ll change the way you eat.”

acknowledge resistance persusasion psychology