Thursday 28 May 2015


We care what we eat, why not care on what we eat?
 The thing is, how you eat is as important as what you eat. 
 Ethos Planetware is vibrantly colorful, durable, synthetic-free and compostable, for when you’re time with them is done. 
Want it now? Get healty Tablewear here

An awesome image of Planetware courtesty of @Veganguerilla. For great vegan receipts check out  "food blog link". 
#ethosplanetware #healtyliving #organic 


Thoughtful designed, durable, space-saving tableware made from bamboo, rice and corn. Colored with vegetable daye and alive with natural texture.
Want to enjoy the organic way of dining with Ehtos Planetware?


Enjoying the view? Our Tableware is made form plants! 100% natural crafted from bamboo, rive and corn + syntethic free (made instread from veggie-based dyes)
Cuious about the new Planetware colors? 
 Take a look! 
#vegan #ethosplanetware #SassafrasYellow

Hungry for more?  Let’s all support this project and help Planetware find its way into the world! 

(Normally embedded)



Opinions on the optimal time and day to post on social media website vary greatly as the content on media itself, because data varies from different sources. The time zone needs to be tailored to most of the chosen audience while considering the greatest impact for purchase and engagement rate. 

Acitivity on Instagram is peaking on Monday or Wednesday around 5 p.m., to this time users engage more with the content rather than posting videos and photos. In the future Planetware could adapt this fact to their media schedule to provide more engagement.
To provide more engagement in the future, planetware should consider this fact when creating their media schedule.

According to LinkedIn, weekdays during office hours are the optimal time to post.
To be more specific, due to lunch breaks and because LinkedIn consists primarily of a B2B audience the best time to post is on weekdays between 10 am and 11 am. Especially in the case of Tableware, with its relation to food, the consumer might be even more appealed to the product before the lunch break.

Twitter:The best time to tweet is between 5 pm and 6 pm, in this period retweets and CTR spike.
A post of Planetware would be most successful, published around 5:30 pm. On the commute home after work the engagement rates peak, at this moment the user might think about the long-desired dinner. Indeed these thoughts of the consumers can be stimulated through tasty and healthy looking food pictures presented on Planetware.

On Thursday and Friday the engagement on Facebook is peaking, means between 1pm and 3 pm is the greatest chance to get most shares and most possible clicks. Planetware should publish their post in this time period to effectively engage with the consumer.
“The less people want to be on work, the more they are on facebook”
-Buddy Media

1 comment:

  1. "Use of you/we/hero: You refer to the pictures. For Li and Tw it works the other way around. For Facebook it might work. You may want to make more clear what is in it for the reader there. 2/4
    Use of writing techniques, criteria: Mind the amount of characters for twitter and li 2/4
    English Grammar: made from plants / we care how we eat, why not care ... - 2/2
    Total: 6/10"
